North Star collaborates with FinlandWay, a renowned curriculum provider from Finland, to deliver all of our educational frameworks. This partnership allows your child the opportunity of being exposed to Finland’s globally acclaimed early education system, which is firmly grounded in university-supported research.

Distinguishing itself from nearly all other childcare centres in Australia, North Star offers an intricate daily learning curriculum meticulously crafted by authentic education scientists and early childhood experts. This curriculum remains consistently updated with the most recent research findings. Through a play-based approach, your child’s educational journey becomes a joyful and natural experience.

Tailored plan for each child

Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates. Our learning framework covers the education and care of all children, including children with special educational needs and disabilities.

Incorporating the Australian Early Years Framework

The North Star FinlandWay® program harmoniously integrates international best practices with the diverse early learning frameworks established by the Australian Government. Our comprehensive program is fully equipped to prepare the children for both life and school.

Key values such as responsibility, tolerance, empathy, sustainable development, and inclusion are intricately woven into the fabric of our curriculum design.

Our curriculum incorporates the overarching principles of the Australian Early Years Learning Framework.

FinlandWay’s Partnerships & Accreditation

FinlandWay is recognised by both Finnish and international authorities as a high-quality, technology-supported Early Education solution.

The FinlandWay® Story

The first five years of life are the most impactful for creating improved life outcomes, be it overall well-being and health or academic achievement. Realising this, FinlandWay®’s founders set out to bring Finland’s early education excellence to the rest of the world, sourcing from their background in education science at the University of Helsinki and impact economics at the World Bank Group and the University of Cambridge.

Based on the latest pedagogical thinking and developmental science, we have selected and tested age-appropriate learning activities that now support and inspire hundreds of young learners around the world. The FinlandWay® methodology is currently in use across a network of schools on four continents in five languages.

We are proud to be certified for quality by Education Finland, the Finnish National Board of Education export agency.

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Meet Dr. Jonna Kangas

Dr. Jonna Kangas PhD is the Chief Education Specialist and FinlandWay® Co-Founder. She is a Senior Lecturer and Researcher of Early Childhood Education in the Faculty of Educational Science, University of Helsinki and professor of Early Education at the University of Turku, Finland.

An internationally published author in education science, Dr Jonna’s work has been published by leading science houses such as Elsevier, Taylor and Francis, Springer Science and Sage. She has authored numerous articles in industry-leading journals such as the Journal of Early Childhood Education, Education Management, Australasian Journal of Child Development among others.

All FinlandWay® schools benefit from this academic link to world-leading research and cutting-edge science that we aim to put into practice at our schools around the world.
Through her research and also through her work with FinlandWay®, Dr. Jonna hopes to push the Early Childhood Education field to continuously review its goals and practices to meet the needs, rights and interests of children, parents and educators worldwide.

Dr. Jonna believes that whilst play is natural to children, impactful playful learning isn’t automatic and teachers need to develop skills and methods to both understand play and be able to use and support it in their class.

She believes that children’s voices and personal choice should be heard in education and that children are active agents and makers of their own learning. This ethos is reflected in the respectful and wholesome approach that we have to our students at Nordic Star and at all FinlandWay® schools around the world.

Learning Areas

Our daily plans cover progressive, age-specific learning targets from three months to five years of age. We go above and beyond the typical standard Australian Early Years Learning Framework (AU EYLF) in supporting comprehensive development, learning goals and well-being. Toggle below to see the additional learning your child will encounter.

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